Only a Regular, Associate or Granted member, who has belonged to the club for at least two years and is in good standing, shall have the privilege of proposing an applicant for membership.

The Proposer shall:

  1. Contact the Chairman of the Membership Committee and advise him/her that you would like to propose a family for membership. He/she will review the membership process with you.

  2. Forward to the Chairman of the Membership Committee the following:

    • A letter from the Proposer containing an endorsement of the applicant and facts upon which that endorsement is based.

    • A list of Fells Brook members and residents of Essex Fells to whom the prospective member is known.

  3. The Chairman of the Membership Committee will contact the Proposer within six (6) months as to whether the Membership Committee’s response is “favorable,” or “not at this time.” If the response from the Membership Committee is favorable, the Proposer will be requested to:

    • Forward a completed application form to the Chairman of the Membership Committee.

    • Arrange for additional supporting letters to be sent to the Chairman of the Membership Committee.

  4. Arrange with the Chairman of the Membership Committee to introduce the applicant and spouse, if any, to at least two designated members of the Club.

Applicants will not be considered unless and until all of the above requirements have been satisfied.

  • Proposers are encouraged to invite prospective members to be their guests at the Club and to introduce them to other members.

  • Not all prospective members will be offered membership in the Club.

  • Within six (6) months of time after the receipt of a completed application, the Membership Committee will make its recommendations known to the Board of Governors for appropriate action.

  • The Board of Governors shall notify the Proposer of its actions as promptly as possible. The Board reserves the right to request additional information regarding the applicant from the Proposer.

  • If the Board approves the application and the Club is at capacity the approved new member will be placed at the end of the waiting list. An approved legacy shall be placed in the front of the waiting list.

  • All correspondence relating to applications for membership should be directed to the Chairman of the Membership Committee. The name of the Chairman of the Membership Committee is included in this Directory.