Our History
By Steve Bartholemew
Excerpts from "FIFTY FOR FELLS BROOK" booklet in 1977.
The Founders
It was 1927 and I remember asking my father what all the people were doing tramping around the property behind our house at 85 Rensselaer Road (Betke's house). He told me they were planning to build an athletic club and. I thought the idea sounded great.
The handwritten minutes of the first recorded meeting (prior to incorporation) state that "Messrs. Bate (father of Oscar, David and Frank), Woodworth (representing the EF Trustees), Leubuscher, Bartholomew (father of Steve, George and Bill), McKinney, Moore (owner then of Moore's Pond), Johnston, Morse (architect of many homes in EF), Bill Sayre, Austin Sayre (Anne's husband), Herr (then Mayor), Holton (longtime Mayor and father of Bob Holton and Nancy Bartow) and Warriner (Posie Bate's father).
The original cost for facilities and the first year of operation was paid for by the sale of Class A ($1,000) and Class B ($500) bonds.
W. H. Carrier
- Francis Lee Stuart
- R. C. Blancke
- Fred Leubuscher
- Horace Sylvester.
- Dr. E. C. Butler
- Gordon Lindsay
- W. Thompson -
- J. J. Carlee
- Paul McKinney
- Martin Tiernan
- Wm. H. Koop
- Francis Lee Stuart
- R. C. Blancke
- Fred Leubuscher
- Horace Sylvester.
- Dr. E. C. Butler
- Gordon Lindsay
- W. Thompson -
- J. J. Carlee
- Paul McKinney
- Martin Tiernan
Other original members included:
- Louis Audette
- Ted Blake
- Len Boveroux
- William Greason
- Rev. David Kirkby
- Edw. Pilcher
- Austin Sayre
- William Sayre
- C. W. SWCD
Early in 1952 The Board `of Governors decided that any of the bond-holders who were still resident in Essex Fells would be "granted privileges" (use of all facilities with no payment of dues, and no voting rights) for as long as they remained residents of El'. Almost all of the bondholders sold their bonds back to the club at prices that averaged_ less than 50% of the purchase price.
Today Len Boveroux, Mrs. Gladys Bate, Mrs. J. J. Carlee, Mrs. Anne Sayre and Mrs. John "Spike" Westerfield are the remaining members of the above list although several sons and daughters are on the current membership roster. Grandchildren include Randy Beard and Oscar Bate.
Early in 1928 it was decided that the facilities to carry out the in-tent of Article 1 of the By-Laws (To develop social intercourse among its members ... etc.) would be:
A 75' x 30' Swimming Pool Two En-Tout-Cas Tennis Courts Club House
Construction on all of the above and appurtenances (fences, parking lot, terrace etc.) went on during the summer and fall of 1928. The engineers among you will be interested in knowing that the bowl of the pool was heavily reinforced and poured in one continuous round-the-clock operation.
The club house was built on the back edge of the terrace (where the Tether Ball stanchion is now). It was a modest structure with rustic dark-stained horizontal boards for outside siding. The inside was unfinished and sparsely furnished—and rarely used (except per-haps by a few of our very young but bold. sons of members who dared to smoke at tender ages). Fortunately or unfortunately the club house burned to the ground in 1933. While the five acres of land had been donated to the club by the Essex Fells Trustees, there was a small mort-gage, of approximately V,500, on the land that had been assumed by the club. This mortgage was paid off by the insurance proceeds from the loss of the club house. The square foundation pillars of the club house remain as evidence of its existence.
The two original tennis courts were built in the summer of 1928 and the third En-Tout-Cas court was added in 1936. The En-Tout-Cris (French for "In All. Cases" or "All Weather") courts were the inspiration of Reuel Warriner, Posie Bate's father, and our first President. The club's facilities remained unchanged until 1957.
Through the interest and efforts of Oscar Bate, Edie Miller, Wally 'Tiernan, Helen Ives, DeHaven Manley and others, "Paddle" was introduced at Fells Brook. Few people realize that Fells Brook's Paddle Court was the second one in _New Jersey, the first being at Orange Lawn. It was erected in the Spring of 1957 on the present site of our fourth tennis court. It was built by member and builder, Doug Schouler. In 1962, the "All Weather" was added and the Paddle Court was moved to its present location. The new "All Weather" court allowed for its use in Winter as long as it was clear of snow, whereas the term Weather" with respect to the En-Tout-Cas implied quick-drying ability after a rain. This fourth court was completed in 1962.
The addition of the first Paddle Court transformed the Summer club into a year-round racquet facility. As Paddle's popularity rapidly grew, a second court was built and was in use by Christmas 1963. Continued growth called for a third court which was appropriately dedicated for use with a party in _November 1967. Our most recent change was the replacement of the All Weather court with a "Har-Tru court in the Fall of 1977.
The Money
The original sale of bonds brought in about $35,000, nearly all of which went for 1928 construction of the pool, courts, club house and other items such as fencing, parking lot, water and power hookups, terrace, landscaping and equipment. The contract for building 'the pool was $13,000.
The concept of initiation fees was introduced to provide additional working capital for the club. The first initiation fee was $250. This has been increased, particularly in the later years, to its present $600.
Dues in 1929 were $125 annually but Black Friday in October 1929 caused the Board to do some hard thinking and the dues were dropped to $50 for the 1932 season. Inevitably, the dues have had to follow the upward spiral to their present $495.
The operating cost for the year 1929 was $5,459. The operating budget for 1978 was $42,620.
There is always a ray of sunshine. The guest fee in 1929 for holidays and weekend days was and today it is still $2.00!
The Directors
Roger Hendricks was our first "athletic and social director" in 1929. Roger was a big, burly and most affable young fellow. His major interest was water sports, particularly water polo. So all the young men who could stand it indulged in 'water polo —with gusto. The girl had little choice but to stand around and gape at their half-drowned heros. Tennis existed, but the steam for it was being generated by those of the founding group who were sure that Fells Brook was to be a Tennis Club.
Roger was a. victim of the great cost reduction in 1931. He was followed as director by several young lads, mostly college men who had the good luck of getting any kind of a summer job at all, and almost all of whom were sons of members. Harry MacBrair (who now lives in Caldwell, Cedars) stuck it out for SLY years. Other directors were Adrian Corbiere, Bob Carlee, :Neiman Carlee, and Ted Keller (still living in Essex Fells), Paul Golosh, Ches Coombs and Jack Wright, plus several assistants.
All of those named were strong, able young fellows who could handle a tennis court roller with the best of them, keep the children in line, and maintain the club grounds.
Then in 1941 it happened. Abbey Leitch was made Director.
A semi-pro baseball player at age 16.
World-record setting ice skater at age 21
Abbey played baseball with Babe Ruth, and played one game with the New York Giants against. the Phillies when Frank Frisch was un-able to play. John McGraw managed the Giants at that time. Abbey also was a teammate of Lou Gehrig's in East Orange.
But baseball wasn't all. When he was about twenty-one he be-longed to the Lake Placid Ice Club and says his biggest thrill was winning the Quarter Mile and setting a World Record.
When he reached forty (two or three years before coming.'' to Fells Brook), he took up tennis. And tennis has taken him up to the point where at the age of eighty (June 1978) he started on a touring season that netted him the National Mens Over 80 Singles and Doubles Championships with his partner Kirk Reid.
Who do you know whose star is still rising at age 80?
It would be hard to think of a person who has put more heart into his job than. Abbey. His great concern for the safety of the children around the pool and the tremendous loving care lie spends on the tennis courts as well as developing the game among the members all tell only part of the story. Quietly behind the scenes he has been guided by his wife, Helen, whose wonderful insights and help cannot be fully measured.
Many of us recall when our kids were asked which club they be-longed to, they said "Abbey's club." That about says it all.
Abbey (Age 93) & Helen Leitch
Florida, February 1991
Social Intercourse
Memorial Day 1929 was the first "Official Day" of Fells Brook. It was a raw chilly overcast day and the water in the pool was like so many Opening Days—cold. Miss Rives Stuart (now Mrs. James Newell and Anne Sayre's sister), then a member of the Smith College diving team, performed the first authorized plunge, got;04 of the pool as fast as possible and donned a fur coat. But Fells Brook was open for business.
From Roger Hendricks' water polo days right up to the present the pool has been ever popular—especially with the kids. A few efforts have been made in the past to have inter-club swim meets but the idea just hasn't caught on. Intra-club races are usually very informal parts of July 4 or Labor Day celebrations. Otherwise it's "Where"/"Here" and the much appreciated One to Two closing for less hindered adult swimming. And how about that pool in. July and August "when every-body is away"?
An informal word on our Tennis history ! It would be hard to talk about such a great game without talking about people. Len Boveroux was about the most avid advocate in the earliest days followed by Doug Schouler, Jack Westerfield, John Hopkins, Harry Brady, Gordon Ives, The Reids, Ned Waring and many others I should mention who kept those two red courts Red. Long white flannel or duck pants were "in." in 1929 but Len Boveroux and John Hopkins soon "broke the code" by being the first to appear in tennis shorts. The girls did their share and the matches that included Anne Sayre, Spike Westerfield, Gertrude Brady, Al Cleaves, Kitty Miller, Betty Adams and others were something to behold. After a while the young Turks came along like Oscar Bate, Walker Stevenson, Bob Carlee, George Bartholomew, the Johnston boys (Doug, Dave and Sandy), and, as you know, Oscar Bate went on to win many club titles as well as distinguish himself in college tennis and squash. About the same time Posie Bate was setting the pace for the young girls and is still doing that today.
The untimely passing of one of our tennis playing members by sudden heart attack caused a physician member to recommend that those over forty stop playing-. So tennis took a small setback for a while. The rebound was inevitable and was much accelerated by the huge change hi the game in the last several years.
Today, in spite of the great surge of interest and participation in tennis, do you know of any facility where you can walk in and get a court with little or no waiting?
Social intercourse was not confined to the major activities of tennis and swimming. Although Opening Day got off to a dubious start weather-wise, it has flourished ever since as a herald of warm days for the pool. Because of a strong group of young new members, this and other activities are flourishing even more.
Other social endeavors evolved in time. One is Whitney Day (for those of you who didn't know Earl Whitney it is Spring Clean Up) and, while it is work, the serving of liquid refreshments and hamburgers surely make it a social affair. The Round Robin tournaments are classified more as social gatherings than tennis matches but nothing is miss-ing on the fun side. Spring dances, early Robin at Tennis World and even a trip to Bermuda have all been a part of our club life.
Last but far from least has been the development in both tennis and paddle tennis of a vast array of interclub matches. These have all called for rather intensive management on the part of the team captains. Bless them all.
The story of Fells Brook would not be complete without a word about Peter Eddy. Peter's family joined the club in 1951 and the records show that he became Abbey's assistant in 1956. With only minor time gaps Peter has been a most faithful, able and pleasant fellow around the club. Always available for a fourth (up to eleven o'clock), a good man at the pool to keep the kids in line, a handyman with a Band-Aid, and a TLC way with all the members, adult and young, old and new.
Future for Fells Brook
It goes without saying that what has gone before and become established at Fells Brook virtually guarantees a rosy future for its members. More and more your Board of Governors has developed, adhered to and expanded on the principle of planning for the future. The foundation upon which they are building is without equal.
Club Facts
- First paddle court '57
- 2nd one in "63
- 3rd court built in'67
- changing house designed by ron ellis '88
- '82 new paddle hut
- '84 shed
- '99 pool was bonded
- half of the hockey rink is leased to the town for $1 "and other considerations"